Work Visa and EU Blue Card

Application and job search
Check your eligibility

Work Visa & Talent Visa Program

What is it?
As part of the new law, from 1st June 2022, the Swedish government has introduced a new talent visa program for professionals who want to work in Sweden.

The visa allows non-EU citizens with a degree to apply for a visa of between three to nine months, which they can then use to stay in Sweden while they look for work or research setting up a new business.

Who is it for?
If you have an offer of employment from a Swedish company and plan to live and work only in Sweden for the next 4 years. The time spent on your work permit is counted towards your Swedish permanent residency application.

Processing time
A standard work permit is processed within 10 days if the application is submitted by a company that is certified with the Migration Agency.

EU Blue Card

What is it?

The EU Blue Card is Europe’s answer to the US Green Card.

The EU Blue Card is a work- and residence permit for non-EU/EEA nationals. The European Blue Card  was created to make it easier for for highly skilled workers to obtain the right to work in the EU.  It provides comprehensive socio-economic rights and a path towards permanent residence and EU citizenship.

Who is it for?
If you plan on working in other EU countries within the next 4 years, the Blue Card application might be best. Many EU countries have Blue Card permits it can in some cases be easier to move if you have one. Some EU countries will also count the time you have held a Blue Card in Sweden when reviewing an application for permanent residence.

Processing time
An EU blue card application is generally processed within 2-3 weeks, but the Migration Agency has up to 90 days to process it. This means that if the case officer is busy, it will take longer to process than a standard permit.

Migrationsverket, the Swedish Migration Agency, is responsible for work permits, residence permits and citizenship applications.

Arbetsförmedlingen is the Swedish Public Employment Service is responsible for employment and labour market policies.

Jobbsprånget (‘job leap’) is a fast track to employment for newly arrived migrants, connecting talent with over 400 employers.

The Swedish Institute works to increase the world’s interest and trust in Sweden, which in turn helps companies to conduct trade, attract international talent.

Korta vägen (‘short route’) is a program to help foreign born graduates establish themselves professionally as soon as possible upon their arrival in Sweden.

Invest Stockholm is the official investment promotion agency of Stockholm, widely recognized as one of the most innovative regions in the world.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences offers a fast track to employment for newly arrived migrants who have a degree. works with promoting Sweden, cooperation in the Baltic Sea region and global development.

JustArrived helps new arrivals in Sweden with getting their first job and gaining work experience.

Diversity Charter Sweden is a springboard for companies that want to increase their competitiveness with the help of workplace diversity.

Microsoft Reactor helps talent learn and connect with local peers and build careers through industry engagement.

Switch to Sweden is all about learning, connecting, and finding international talent for companies in Sweden.

Connect Sverige is an initiative that helps companies grow by matching them with skills, contacts and capital.

The Research Institute collaborates with industry, academia and the public sector for the international competitiveness of Swedish business.

Get your Work Visa in 4 easy steps

Check your eligibility

Step 1: Check your eligibility

Start the process by uploading your CV to check eligibility.

Our recruiters in Stockholm will review your CV and qualifications and will be in touch with you and you can proceed to step 2.


Step 2: Attend the workshop and apply for jobs

Get matched with companies and apply for jobs.

Meet with a recruiter to work on your CV presentation,  job search, company contacts, job applications, interview practice and salary negotiations. All meetings are held over Google Meet.

Step 3: Pass the interviews and get a job offer

Get interview requests. Interviews are usually held online over Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

Typically you can expect 3 interview rounds. Be well prepared, ace the interview and get your job offer letter.

Step 4: Apply for your visa

Submit your visa application, job offer and supporting documents to your nearest Swedish embassy.

If your employer is a member of the fast track program, your visa should take 10-20 days to process.

Step 1. Check your eligibility for a work visa or EU blue card, for free

Start here

What is the EU Blue Card?

The European Blue Card is a work permit specifically designed for skilled workers looking to live and work in Sweden and the EU. The permit is issued by the Swedish Migration Agency and allows individuals from non-European countries to work in Sweden 


To be eligible for a Blue Card, you must have a job offer from a Swedish employer.

You also need to meet certain educational and salary requirements. 
These requirements will vary on the type of job and industry you want to work in.

Certificates, official transcripts and documents in a language other than English, have to be translated into Swedish.

We ensure your work permit application is successful by having the right documentation and meeting all the requirements. We check for accuracy and errors before submission, as small mistakes can lead to long delays or even rejection.

The EU Blue Card Process

Step 1. Processing time

We have received permission from the Swedish Migration Agency to offer our customers a fast application process and can therefore guarantee a decision within 2-4 weeks, which can normally take up to 10 weeks.

Step 2. Union involvement

The trade union is involved in ensuring that the employment conditions offered comply with the labor market’s collective agreement and other practices to ensure safe employment.

Step 3. Your Application

The information is compiled and must be reviewed by the Swedish Migration Agency. At this time, we notify the client that the official application has been submitted and provide guidance to the client on useful information to consider for the upcoming work permit period.

Step 4. Decision

The Swedish Migration Agency makes a decision on approving the application. This can take a different amount of time depending on the type of permit. Once the decision has been made, we will inform the client of the requirements for your application.

Take the eligibility test in 2 minutes

Fill out the form below.

After we have reviewed your details we will contact you regarding your eligibility status.

Frequently asked questions

About moving to Sweden

Why move to Sweden

Sweden is well known for its quality of life, safety, stability and innovation and home to the world’s largest brands like Spotify, Ericsson, Ikea, Volvo, SAAB and tech companies in music, fin-tech and gaming.

Do I need to speak Swedish in order to live in Sweden?

Sweden has a vibrant international community. Most Swedes speak excellent English.

Will I get help finding accommodation and relocating?

Yes, most large employers will offer relocation support or will have an agency that help you find accommodation and settle in.

Can I move with my family?

Family members will also get permits to live and work in Sweden for the same length of time as you.

About work permit and EU Blue Card

How to apply for a Swedish work visa?

A work visa entitles you to work in Sweden and eventually apply for permanent residency. In order to get a Swedish work permit you must have a job offer letter from a company in Sweden. works with employers to help with processing the paperwork and relocation for employees to Sweden.

How to apply for an EU Blue Card in Sweden?

You are eligible when you are a non-EU citizen, and you have completed tertiary education ie. a degree  and/or you have three years or more professional experience in the profession related to your profile. You must also have a job offer from a Swedish company an fulfill certain critera depending on the job you are applying for. Get in touch with us via the evaluation form above.

Whats the difference between a work permit and an EU Blue Card?

A Swedish work permit is valid for work in Sweden only, counts towards your permanent residency application in Sweden and is processed within 10 days if the application is submitted by a company that is certified with the Migration Agency.

An EU Blue Card allows you to work and live in other EU countries as well. Many EU countries have Blue Card permits it can in some cases be easier to move if you have one. Some EU countries will also count the time you have held a Blue Card in Sweden when reviewing an application for permanent residence. An EU blue card application is generally processed within 2-3 weeks, but the Migration Agency has up to 90 days to process it.

What is the guarantee I will get a visa?

You should get a visa if you meet all the requirements and your application is error free. Visas are issued by the Swedish embassy.

Can I work remotely while my visa application is being processed?

Yes, that is possible, some companies are open to working remotely.

How long does it take to get a visa?

10 days for companies that are registered with the Swedish migration agency’s (Migrationsverket) fast track program. For other companies it may take take 2-3 weeks depending on your local embassy.

What is the visa cost? Does the employer pay?

The visa cost is set by the embassy. It varies from Euro 80 to Euro 200. Please check with your local embassy. Some employers will pay for your visa and travel costs.

About applying for jobs in Sweden

Are there jobs available in English?

Yes, of course. Sweden is an export oriented economy, with exports over $240 billion each year. Large companies working in international markets often have English as their main working language. Sweden is also home to many global companies like IBM, P&G, Accenture, McKinsey, BOSCH, Astra Zenica.

What type of jobs are available?

Sweden has one of Europe’s strongest economies. There are jobs available across all industries such as Technology, Media, Entertainment, Finance, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, Hospitality, Logistics, Manufacturing, Engineering and Non-Profit sectors.

Jobs available vary from senior positions in management, tech and engineering to entry level jobs in sales, admin and customer service. Please view the jobs section on our website.

How do I apply for jobs in Sweden?

Most jobs in Sweden a usually filled via recommendations from agencies or a contact network. You can apply for jobs directly on company websites, LinkedIn or Indeed.

How long does it take to get a job in Sweden?

It usually takes 3-6 weeks in total after you apply. It takes 1-2 weeks for the selection decision, 1-2 weeks to do interviews and 1-2 weeks to get a decision and offer letter. Typically, there are 3 interview meetings. 1st with a colleague, 2nd with a manager and 3rd with HR.

How does help me get a job?

Since 2010, we have been recruiting international talent for Swedish companies and have built a large network of industry contacts. We help you apply via our network of contacts.

How is it different from applying directly ?

Most employers prefer job seekers that have been verified and recommended via their trusted network of contacts like employees or agencies. Over 70% of jobs are filled in this way.

Why is networking and being recommended by a contact so important to find a job?

This is due to the large number of spam CVs, fake profiles, fake applications, spam from marketing companies and outsourcing companies.

Why do I need to do the workshop?

The workshop process and contents has been created in partnership with job agencies and companies to ensure that all job applicants are verified, qualified and competencies and skills are matched with the right companies. The process also ensures that job seekers connect with the right decision makers and follow the correct application process.

How is the workshop meeting done?

This workshop is a personal 1 on 1 online video meeting with a recruiter from Sweden over Google Meet or Microsoft Teams.

What is covered in the workshop meeting?

Document verification, CV and cover letter review, Job title strategy, Salary and benefits calculations, Company search, Job search, Employer contacts and referrals, Job applications, Scheduling interviews.

What is the workshop cost?

The workshop has a fixed admin processing fee of Euro 49. This includes all the content and meetings. There are NO other costs. There is NO commission on salaries. There are NO other admin fees.

Do you arrange interviews?

Yes we do. We put your CV forward to companies that match your profile and arrange an interview.

What is the guarantee I will get a job?

Our job is to connect you with companies, help with applications, recommend you to employers and arrange interviews.

Your chances of success are high if you follow the right application process. Avoid common mistakes made by international job seekers and errors in your application. The workshop ensures that your CV and cover letter is formatted for Swedish employers, you are applying to the right companies that your application is supported by a recommendation from a contact.

After you apply, there are usually 1 screening call and 3 interviews held including personality and behavioral questions, industry knowledge questions. You need to be well prepared for the interviews by practicing it beforehand.

However, how you perform in the interview is up to you. If you pass the interview, you get the job. 

What jobs does guarantee?

We guarantee that the jobs you apply to are verified, trusted, progressive companies that support sustainable environmental policies. We work with the top 600 companies in Sweden. We make sure that contracts offered and terms are in line with Trade Union Collective Agreements. This means increased safety and clear conditions about salary, work environment, insurance and pension.

How much will I get paid as salary?

This depends on your job title and experience. Salaries usually starting around Eur 3000 per month + benefits + overtime pay.

What are the benefits of working in a Swedish company?

Swedish companies value work-life balance. Sweden is known for its generous social security system, high quality free healthcare and free education for kids. Companies benefits may include laptop, phone, travel allowance, gym memberships, company events, free meals, flexi hours, flexi holidays, work from home, relocation allowance etc. Health benefits include health insurance, sick pay and wellness activities. Professional benefits include sponsored employee training, professional certifications and language lessons.