Meet with recruiters or network with professionals
We co-host regular free recruitment events, workshops, networking evenings and after work social events on a regular basis.
Each event is industry specific and invite only to allow for quality 1 on 1 discussions. Due to limited space, events get sold out fast.
Please follow us on our social networks to get notifications of new events and invites and make sure you sign up early.
Startup Jobs Day
Meet dirctly with recruiters hiring at top startup and tech companies in Stockholm. This event is held monthly. Visit the event website for more.
Meet with recruiters
Meet face to face with recruiters at international companies in Sweden. Get to know their company culture, jobs available and what they look for. Have many conversations in one day.
Follow our Facebook Page - Join 11,000+ followers
View the latest jobs, news about companies hiring and upcoming events.
Join our Facebook Group - Join 30,000+ members
Get career help and join the group discussion about moving to Sweden and finding a job.
Meetup - Join 6000+ members
Join our weekly networking evenings for specific industries like Tech, Finance, Media etc.
Eventbrite - Join 15000+ subscribers
Get personal help from a recruiter. Discuss your CV and job search goals and employer contacts.
Our network and partners
Recruiters and business networks